Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cluster !

I really like been part of this cluster. I have learn a lot about movies, media and games. One thing which i enjoy is been able to play games in the class and watch movies. I think that movies and games teach us a lot. One thing which is challenging for me is my media communication mid-term paper. It is hard to find good information about an icon on the internet and also books. Plus the paper is a way too long. I know that by doing this paper is a way to teach us how to write better than what we already do, but finding the information that most of us find is the samething. Another thing which I learn was about movies. The different words that directors use when they are filming a movie. I enjoy watching most of the movies from the film class, I cant lie some of them arent that good and make me want to sleep. I also liked the day when we played games. Im not a big fan of games, but my eng class is making me want to play more games and learn more about them. Over the next weeks I expect a lot of writting and a presentation that needs to be done. If I put a lot of effort I know Im going to be able to do all the things my teachers want me to do!

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